What is Cloparkles


About of cloparkles

Cloparkles is a IT company 

Establish on -15/4/2020

Founder - Asha kumari and Bhashkar kumar

Cloparkles that focus on Ai , Cloud computing , Online advertising , making online and offline apps and games , voip , provide sdk for communication plateform and many more

Product and service

The ads parkles

The ads parkles is a online advertising plateform for help the grow of your bisuness  and show the bisuness of millions of people through the ads parkles

The storage parkles

storage parkles is a 25 gb free storage space and accept all type of file with high next generatation security and saftely all file are easily recovered

The Talkies

Talkies is a Ai the focus on talk , solving question answer , search engine , playing some game , help the gain of skill and many more


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